The Ultimate Camp America bucket list!
With the prospect of spending 2-4 months in the USA, we want to make sure you make the most of every single minute! We can guarantee you the traditional summer camp experience, but it's down to you to fit as much extra activities into your visit, as humanly possible. Follow our ultimate bucket list and be sure to share your photos with us on social!

How to have the most Americanised Halloween
Don’t know if you’ve noticed, but Halloween in the USA seems to be a much bigger celebration than it is over here. Here in the UK, us Brits seem to jump straight from summer, to the Christmas countdown, yet the US manage to give each season and event the celebration it deserves!! It’s fair to say, the power of social media is starting to make it become more of a thing here…or at least, an opportunity to look good on the gram, so we’re here to help you make the most out of Halloween this year!!

The Croc is Summer Camp 2021's It-shoe'
Described recently in Vogue as a ‘practical lockdown footwear solution’, Crocs are seeing a huge resurgence; with thanks mainly, to Justin Bieber’s recent collaboration.

5 reasons why a summer at home was way better than one at camp...
Summer 2020 may not have gone to plan but admit it, it was 1000x better than the summer you once imagined it to be…

5 reasons why camp is for EVERYONE!
When we say camp is for everyone, we really do mean it! Whether you're the next Banksy, Mary Poppins or Bear Grylls, there's a place for you at camp and we're hear to tell you why a summer at camp is the ideal opportunity for YOU...

7 types of people camp is also for...
Everyone knows that camp is for the sporty guys, the outdoor adventurers, the super outgoing types, and the ones with lots of childcare experience. But did you know that camp is also for…

6 reasons Camp America is an affordable gap year option
Results days have been and gone, it has been a really tricky year and maybe you're left wondering "what shall I do?". If you’re thinking about taking a gap year, let us tell you - make Camp America part of it! Even if a gap year isn't on the cards, Camp America is the perfect summer filler between university!! A summer at camp can be one of the cheapest ways to have the time of your life exploring the world. Here’s 6 reasons why..

How one summer at camp will give you the best results of your life!
Results day is here and for many, it’s one of the most nerve wracking days of the year! You think that the contents of that envelope (or email in these circumstances) are what will define you for the rest of your life…but it doesn’t. There’s a great big world out there FULL of opportunities for you to explore and we’re here to tell you how a summer at camp can give you some of the best results of your life…results that aren’t just a letter or number!!