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Applications for Summer 2025 are open now. Don’t miss out on an unforgettable summer.
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About us...

Why Camp America?

When you choose to spend your summer with Camp America, you’ll enjoy an experience like no other. Keep reading to find out more.

Ready for adventure?

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The Original Experience

Since 1969 we’ve sent thousands of participants to hundreds of camps across the USA. We work with more camps, place more participants, and provide more recruitment opportunities than any other organisation. But as a team who have all lived the summer camp experience, we still believe in a personal touch. You can expect to chat with us at job fairs, embassy days or any time you need support on your application. Camp can bring out the best in people – let us help your personality shine through!

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Ready for adventure?

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Real Experiences

Don't take our word for it - this is just a snapshot of the amazing summers our participants have had with Camp America, and the reasons they keep going back year after year.

Camp is a magical place where you can truly be yourself and escape reality. I love making my campers’ summers amazing and I’ve made friends for life. It really is a life changing experience.

Jessica, Lake Stockwell Day Camp NJ

Jessica, Lake Stockwell Day Camp NJ

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Camp America gave me an understanding of responsibility that I hadn’t experienced before. By the time I came home, I’d gained valuable leadership skills to take into future careers.

Sam, Camp Lakota NY

Sam, Camp Lakota NY

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Camp is literally my second home! I cannot wait to be back with my campers and my camp friends. Camp is a place you can completely be yourself and make new memories that will last you a lifetime!

Megan, Elks Camp Moore NJ

Megan, Elks Camp Moore NJ

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The friendships you gain and the memories you make are like nothing you will have experienced before. Camp America turned me from a boy to a man and I am so grateful for what they have done for me.

Jack, Camp Champions TX

Jack, Camp Champions TX

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This year will be my 7th year! I keep going back to camp because I can impact lives, grow culturally, and make life-long friends from all over the world.

Matt, Camp Sebago ME

Matt, Camp Sebago ME

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Staff started camp with a mix of experience but none of that mattered. You are well trained and everyone supports each other creating a close-knit community like no other.

Katie, Camp Lee Mar PA

Katie, Camp Lee Mar PA

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A Hassle-Free Summer

We want your excitement about summer camp to start long before you get there, and a big part of that is about making sure the application process is smooth and simple. Unlike other organisations, we are an official J-1 visa sponsor and we will walk you through all the required documentation. We also offer a Flights Included package to help you pay less upfront and hopefully fly with others attending your camp too.

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Ready for the experience?

Start your application today and get ready for an unforgettable summer working and traveling the USA. Remember, if you get stuck or have any questions, you only need to reach out to us!