Applicant Payments to Camp America Trainee and Intern
Own Placement programme payment: £700 (USD875), discounted to £400 (USD500) if you have previously been a Camp America participant.
- £300/USD375 paid after application submission and gets our team working on your application, including an interview.
- £400/USD500 (discounted CA rate £100/USD125) due after paperwork is completed and prior to visa papers being issued.
If seeking a placement through CA an additional payment of £300/USD375 is due once a placement is confirmed.

Additional Third Party Costs
- Paperwork: Police Check (approx. £55/USD70) and Medical Form (variable). If you went to camp through CA last summer we may be able to use your existing forms, we’ll let you know!
- Visa Appointment: approx. USD185.
- Flights: variable. Book once you have your visa and confirmed your start date!
- Living Costs: you’ll receive payment for your position and may receive meals and accommodation, but you should budget for social events, trips, food costs and other living expenses.

Start Your Application
Whether you’re a seasoned camp counselor or someone new to the whole experience, a placement at a US summer camp is the ultimate way to dive into American life and culture. Check out our ‘How to Apply’ section to start your application today!! If you have questions then please contact us at: [email protected].