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Camps for Under-Served Communities

YMCA Camp Kenan

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Approximate Start Date

Start: 25 Jun 2024

Approximate End Date

End: 17 Sept 2024

Camp Type



8571 Lower Lake Road- Barker, NY 14012


Total: 30 (12 international staff) aged 18+


Total: 90 (co-ed camp)

Camp Overview

For nearly 100 yeaers, YMCA Camp Kenan has provided youth with an opportunity to experience camp life, develop essential skills, and make lifelong friends. Situated on Lake Ontario in Barker, NY, Camp Kenan boasts more than 50 acres of open playing fields, a sports court for basketball, four-square and hockey, 2 gaga ball pits, a climbing wall, low ropes and high ropes courses, and an outdoor swimming pool.

Whether it's mastering aim on the archery range, soaring on the high ropes course, hiking down wooded trails, or singing by the campfire, summer at Camp Kenan provides the ideal camp experience.

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Do you have the skills they're looking for?

We asked the camp what positions they are looking to fill. Look out for the big thumbs up!

Are you looking to hire counsellors with Creative & Performing Arts skills?

Are you looking to hire counsellors with Youth Work experience?

Are you looking to hire General Counsellors?​

Are you looking to hire counsellors with Outdoor Adventure & Nature Skills?

Counsellor Roles:

Here's a list of all the positions this camp commonly hires for!

All disabilities and ages
Arts & Crafts
Ceramics & Pottery
Climbing/Wall Tower
Digital Photography
General Counsellors
High/Low Ropes Course
Kiln or Wheel
Outdoor Cooking
Overnight Camping
Rock Climbing
Tye Dying

Campower Roles:

Here's a list of all the positions this camp commonly hires for!

Assistant Cook/Food Prep
Dining Hall Service
Dishwashing/Kitchen Cleaning
Head Cook

Hmm... What's your role?

Staff Time Off

- While campers are our responsibility 24 hours a day, it’s also important that our staff are well rested, able to enjoy the outdoors and the local area, as well as spend time with their new friends.

- During the week, plan on at least 2 hours off each day, scheduled with your supervisor;

- During the weekend, you’ll have 2 nights off (from Friday night- Sunday morning)- you may leave camp, visit with friends, travel locally, relax on camp, catch up on sleep, do your laundry, or enjoy on-camp activities- take a swim or a hike, practice archery, take a walk on the rocky beach, or make a call home;

- We’ll also help you plan at least 2 local off-camp trips or shopping during the summer. Last year our staff visited Niagara Falls and went to Darien Lake amusement park.

Staff Qualities

Successful YMCA Camp Kenan staff are dedicated to youth development, and willing to participate and encourage campers in all camp activities, hike, swim, kayak/canoe, cook over a campfire, camp outdoors, sing, play and lead games, work well with others & smile!! Our staff come from around the world, and have common interests in working with children and the outdoors. Last year, we had over 20 staff from 5 different countries, as well as across the US! For some staff, this will be their 1st time at camp, and others have returned year after year.One thing that you can expect: You will make lifelong friendships during your stay at camp!