Girl Scout Camps

Approximate Start Date
Approximate End Date
Camp Type
Camp Overview
We build girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place. Trefoil is the hub for the Council's high adventure activities. Attendees will discover exciting adventure-based activities in the OUTDOORS with new friends. They will challenge their limits in a safe environment, with supportive adults by their side. They'll shoot archery, hike, cook outdoors, camp overnight in the spectacular Adirondacks, to name a few camper favorites. Trefoil is also the home of our Council's nine element High Ropes Course, complete with a zipline!. All staff will be required to participate in ropes course training and work at the course with campers during the season.

Do you have the skills they're looking for?
We asked the camp what positions they are looking to fill at the recruitment fair. Look out for the big thumbs up!
Are you looking to hire counselors with Outdoor Adventure & Nature Skills at the fair?
Are you looking to hire Waterfront staff and Lifeguards at the fair?
Are you looking to hire General counselors at the fair?
Counsellor Roles:
Here's a list of all the positions this camp commonly hires for!
Campower Roles:
Here's a list of all the positions this camp commonly hires for!
Hmm... What's your role?
Staff Time Off
Depending on role, ratio, and the daily schedule, staff may receive up to 2 hours off away from campers each day. Staff will also have one night off per week as well as all day Saturday and Sunday morning. Off site trip staff will not receive time off while off-site due to ratio, but will receive down time with your campers.
Staff Qualities
We are looking for staff who are flexible, spontaneous, have a high energy level, have a good sense of humor, and who are hard working. Staff must be willing to work long (but rewarding!) hours as this is not your typical hourly job, but one that requires your constant attention. We are looking for staff who support the Girl Scout mission and law and will serve as good role models for the campers. We welcome special and unique skills that you can share with the girls. Valuable staff skills include: lifeguarding, boating, backpacking, wilderness trips, archery, field games, arts and crafts, and horseback riding. The most important quality of our camp staff is the willingness to have fun all summer long!