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Private Camps

Pine Forest Camp

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Approximate Start Date

Start: 19 Jun 2025

Approximate End Date

End: 15 Aug 2025

Camp Type

Privately Owned


185 Pine Forest Road Greeley, PA 18425


Total: 200 (50 international staff) aged 18+


Total: 400 (co-ed camp)

Camp Overview

Pine Forest Camp is a residential overnight co-ed camp located in Northeastern, PA. Only 1.5 hours from NYC and 2 hours from Philadelphia. Pine Forest offers a well-rounded, coed sleepaway camp experience with an action-packed schedule. A sports camp, a tennis camp, a cooking camp, an arts camp, a theater camp, a riding camp, an adventure camp all rolled into one! We welcome campers entering grades 2 through 11. With a fun-filled, action-packed activity program, Pine Forest has something here for all ages and every interest. Once you get to know Pine Forest, you'll never forget it—just ask the four generations of camp families who have called Pine Forest their summer home!

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Do you have the skills they're looking for?

We asked the camp what positions they are looking to fill at the recruitment fair. Look out for the big thumbs up!

Are you looking to hire counsellors with Creative & Performing Arts skills at the fair?

Are you looking to hire counsellors with Outdoor Adventure & Nature Skills at the fair?

Are you looking to hire Waterfront staff and Lifeguards at the fair?

Are you looking to hire counsellors with Youth Work experience?

Meet the Camp!

Come and meet us at your nearest job fair for the opportunity to get hired on the spot! Get ready for a summer you'll never forget.

Pine Forest Camp

Nestled in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania, not too far from New York City, is Pine Forest Camp for Boys and Girls ages 7-16. We have every activity you can imagine and we're looking for enthusiastic counselors excited to live and work with children this summer! Trainable lifeguards, woodworking, magic, dance, gymnastics, athletics, boat drivers, mountain biking, STEM and more! We can't wait to meet you! Is it June yet?!



01 March 2025

March London Camp Job Fair

Join us in London on Saturday 1st March for the opportunity to get hired on the spot and secure your place at camp for an unforgettable summer.

Counsellor Roles:

Here's a list of all the positions this camp commonly hires for!

Animal/Farm Care
Arts & Crafts
Ceramics & Pottery
Climbing/Wall Tower
Digital Photography
General Counsellors
High/Low Ropes Course
Kiln or Wheel
Model Making
Motorboat Driving
Outdoor Adventure
Outdoor Cooking
Overnight Camping
Rock Climbing
Set Construction
Stage Management
Tye Dying
Youth Work

Hmm... What's your role?

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Staff Time Off

Our camps are all-around, overnight camps, which means that we offer over 40 activities for campers to choose from. They include general athletics, sports, outdoor adventure programs, overnight camping, arts and crafts, boating, and much more. Where our counselors are from: We mainly recruit from colleges and universities across the United States. About 10-15% of our staff is from Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. Location: The camps are located in Greeley, Pennsylvania; about 45 minutes northeast of Scranton, Pennsylvania. All three camps are within a 1-mile radius of each other in the Pocono Mountains. We are a 1-hour drive from New York City, 2 hours from Philadelphia, and 5 hours from Boston. Counselors who are flying in should arrive at Newark Airport.

Staff Qualities

You will fulfill two roles while at camp. The first is as a counselor. Counselors live in a bunk with 8-10 campers and 1 or 2 co-counselors. There, you are responsible for each child's general welfare. This could include handling disputes, comforting campers with homesickness, helping and guiding campers to clean their cabins daily, and much more. The other part of your job involves teaching an activity that you have interest or experience in. Activities include coaching sports, leading adventure activities, teaching arts, drama, or media, just to name a few.