Girl Scout Camps
Pamunkey Ridge Girl Scout Camp

Approximate Start Date
Approximate End Date
Camp Type
Camp Overview
Our summer camp is hosted at Pamunkey Ridge Girl Scout Camp. The majority of the program takes place at Pamunkey Ridge. (We have more bed space, there). The summer starts with staff orientation and staff enrichment a Pamunkey Ridge and then we move did the other property towards the end of the summer.
Pamunkey Ridge
Girl Scout Camp Pamunkey Ridge is located on 240 acres along the banks of the Pamunkey River approximately 25 minutes north of Richmond. Both a resident camp and troop overnight/program facility, Pamunkey Ridge features fully-enclosed cabins with electricity, modern restrooms, a dining hall, basketball courts, a swimming pool, a canoeing, paddleboard, and kayaking navigable lake, a sand volleyball court, an archery range, a GaGa pit, a frisbee golf course, and a large sports field.
Pamunkey Ridge Girl Scout Camp provides campers ages 6-17 with supervised activities that teach Girl Scout core values, conflict resolution and leadership skills. Campers have fun while making new friends, building self-confidence, appreciating teamwork and growing in self-reliance. The typical camp program includes a variety of activities such as group games, crafts, science, songs, boating, swimming, and hiking. Campers are placed into their respective age groups and taken through activities that are geared for their developmental level.
Each camper participates in a balanced program of activities and instruction in sports, arts, aquatics, and outdoor adventures. Campers have the opportunity to choose activities both as a group and individually…allowing for campers to spend time with their friends and have individual choice in their activity selection. There are several components of the camp schedule
The Week in a Snapshot:
Sunday: Most Sundays are check in days at our camps! Parents arrive in their own vehicles and physically drop off their camper with us. We finish the start of the session with an all camp picnic!
Monday: Campers begin their week by getting into the swing of things
Tuesday: It must be Tie Dye Tuesday!
Wednesday: This activity will vary by week – it may be a scavenger hunt, counselor talent show, or a pool party!
Thursday: Cook out Dinner! Starting at 5:00 pm, units cook over a campfire. Around 7:30 pm, everyone comes together for the all-camp campfire.
Friday: Closing ceremony 2:00-3:00 pm, campers perform a skit with their age level and receive the badges they earned.
All camp clean up and staff meeting… time off starts.
Our camp sessions are broken up into themed weeks. Campers sign up for the session based on the interest of the session. This summer our sessions will include water intensive programs, a shout out to Harry Potter fans, exploration of art, biking, high adventures. etc. A large majority of our campers are Girl Scouts- 99.9% of them. While we accept all girls, Girl Scouts get first registration priority.
We have a small group of "Leadership Staff"- 6 of them and the rest of the team members are counselors. Counselors live in the bunk with the campers and teach activities. Our campers range in age from 6 to 17 years old. We have a 50-50 mix every summer of new and beginning campers and
With this exception of picnic and cookout times, all of our meals are prepared in the dining hall by our kitchen staff. We consistently receive rave reviews for the quality of our food. We have a very talented team in the kitchen.
Limited Roles Available
Join our summer camp team! Limited roles still available as we near the end of the application season. Open positions include:
- General Counselors

Do you have the skills they're looking for?
We asked the camp what positions they are looking to fill at the recruitment fair. Look out for the big thumbs up!
Are you looking to hire counsellors with Outdoor Adventure & Nature Skills at the fair?
Are you looking to hire counsellors with Experienced Youth Workers skills at the fair?
Are you looking to hire Waterfront staff and Lifeguards at the fair?
Are you looking to hire General Counselors at the fair?
Counsellor Roles:
Here's a list of all the positions this camp commonly hires for!
Hmm... What's your role?
Staff Time Off
2 hours a day and one night time per week... Majority of Friday pm to Sunday am off.
Staff Qualities
Our staff come in all different shapes and sizes and from all over the world. We need staff to be a Role model, a Team player, willing to learn, able to be all in during work hours, have a kid centered heart, and be able to work in a small community.