Camps for Under-Served Communities
Hidden Falls Camp

Approximate Start Date
Approximate End Date
Camp Type
Camp Overview
We have nearly 700 acres of beautiful forested land where campers from all over Indiana to learn about God’s love for them. We take them swimming, rock climbing, hiking, zip lining, mountain biking, fishing and play paintball, archery, shoot pellet rifles, roast marshmallows and enjoy the stars all while getting to learn more about this crazy life we live.

Do you have the skills they're looking for?
We asked the camp what positions they are looking to fill at the recruitment fair. Look out for the big thumbs up!
Are you looking to hire counsellors with Outdoor Adventure & Nature Skills at the fair?
Are you looking to hire Waterfront staff and Lifeguards at the fair?
Are you looking to hire General counsellors at the fair?
Counsellor Roles:
Here's a list of all the positions this camp commonly hires for!
Hmm... What's your role?

Staff Time Off
Camp sessions runs generally from Monday trough Friday with 2 exceptions.
Staff Qualities
Christian, outgoing, creative