Camps for Under-Served Communities
Camp Wethonkitha

Approximate Start Date
Approximate End Date
Camp Type
Camp Overview
We offer a day camp for children entering grades K-8th. Each week offers a theme and a field trip related to that theme. We average 120 children and provide various activities at our facility and the local park/lake such as swimming, kayaking, nature related activities and sports and games.

Do you have the skills they're looking for?
We asked the camp what positions they are looking to fill at the recruitment fair. Look out for the big thumbs up!
Are you looking to hire General counsellors at the fair?
Counsellor Roles:
Here's a list of all the positions this camp commonly hires for!
Hmm... What's your role?
Staff Time Off
Time off depends on the number of campers that are registered for each week. Camp is 9-4 Monday-Friday, so counselors would have off most evenings and weekends.
Staff Qualities
We want someone who is energetic, spontaneous, willing to act silly and has to interact with the kids. Being responsible, dependable and able to work with a diverse group of campers and staff.