Private Camps
Camp Waziyatah

Approximate Start Date
Approximate End Date
Camp Type
Total: 90 (30 international staff)
Camp Overview
Camp Waziyatah is a traditional sleep away for boys and girls aged 6 to 16. We are located on 130 beautiful acres of woods and fields with a 3.5 mile private lake in Southern Maine. We have more than 30 activities with all the camp classics like horseback riding, arts, theater, dance, outdoor trips and water skiing.
Anyone working in Adventure Bound, Adventure Park or on the Waterfront will need to arrive earlier.

Do you have the skills they're looking for?
We asked the camp what positions they are looking to fill. Look out for the big thumbs up!
Are you looking to hire counsellors with Outdoor Adventure & Nature skills?
Are you looking to hire Waterfront staff and Lifeguards?
Are you looking to hire counsellors with Sports & Horse Riding skills?
Counsellor Roles:
Here's a list of all the positions this camp commonly hires for!
Hmm... What's your role?

Staff Time Off
Staff get one period off a day, one evening and one day off a week.
Staff Qualities
We are looking for responsible fun loving people who love working with children. A positive attitude is a must along with strong, clear values and good communication. Skilled and experienced in the program area they will be working in is a required.