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Single-Gender Camps

Camp Stewart For Boys

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Approximate Start Date

Start: 22 May 2024

Approximate End Date

End: 05 Oct 2024

Camp Type

Privately Owned


612 FM 1340, Hunt, Texas 78024


Total: 85 (35 international staff) aged 18+


Total: 200 (all-boys camp)

Camp Overview

Camp Stewart for Boys is a privately owned, Christian-oriented, non-denominational camp for boys ages six to sixteen. We are located in the heart of the famed Texas Hill Country, near headwaters of the Guadalupe River.

“Don’t wait to be a Man to be Great, Be a Great Boy” is Stewart’s motto. The Philosophy of the camp and its leadership is to provide a camping experience which focuses on the total development of each boy as well as creating memorable adventures. In 1924, E.J. “Doc” Stewart founded Camp Stewart for Boys, which he owned until his death in 1929. W.N “Bill” James was director and owner from 1929 to 1966, when he sold to former camper, Silas B. “Si” Ragsdale, Jr. and his wife, Kathy Coffey Ragsdale. Silas B. Ragsdale III (Jeepers), part owner and Director, is in charge of the day-to-day operations. Jeepers has literally grown up at Stewart, and has worked in every facet of the camp from the kitchen, horses, cabin counselor, etc.

“Building self-confidence, a greater feeling"

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Do you have the skills they're looking for?

We asked the camp what positions they are looking to fill at the recruitment fair. Look out for the big thumbs up!

Are you looking to hire Waterfront staff and Lifeguards at the fair?

Are you looking to hire counselors with Sports skills at the fair?

Are you looking to hire counselors with Creative & Performing Arts skills at the fair?

Are you looking to hire counselors with Outdoor Adventure & Nature Skills at the fair?

Counsellor Roles:

Here's a list of all the positions this camp commonly hires for!

Arts & Crafts
Ceramics & Pottery
Climbing/Wall Tower
Digital Photography
Equestrian Staff
General Counsellors
Horse Wranglers (Western Style)
Outdoor Adventure
Outdoor Cooking
Overnight Camping
Rock Climbing

Hmm... What's your role?

Staff Time Off

Counselors will be given two/three nights off per week and one 12 hour break once per term.

Staff Qualities

Camp Stewart wants outstanding role models and mentors. We are looking for excellent young men and women who are willing to go above and beyond to make sure our campers have the summer of their lives.