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Camps for Under-Served Communities

Camp Kiwanis, Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Atlanta

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Approximate Start Date

Start: 20 May 2024

Approximate End Date

End: 12 Sept 2024

Camp Type



2613 Old Wildcat Bridge Road, Danielsville, GA 30633


Total: 20 (2 international staff) aged 18+


Total: 70 (co-ed camp)

Camp Overview

Camp Kiwanis is a year-round residence camp that provides a positive, challenging outdoor experience to the youth served by Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Atlanta. We work with hundreds of kids and teens each year to help them reach their full potential. We provide an environment where all youth feel safe and secure to dream, discover, and develop. Our programs focus on helping kids succeed in school, live healthy, and become leaders. We are so glad to be part of this community and look forward to working with you!

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Do you have the skills they're looking for?

We asked the camp what skills they're looking to hire. Look out for the big thumbs up!

Are you looking to hire staff with Outdoor Adventure & Nature skills?

Are you looking to hire staff with Waterfront & Lifeguard skills?

Are you looking to hire staff with Creative & Performing Arts skills?

Counsellor Roles:

Here's a list of all the positions this camp commonly hires for!

Animal/Farm Care
Mountain Biking
Outdoor Cooking
Overnight Camping
Youth Work

Hmm... What's your role?

Httpsold campamerica co ukimagesuploadsimages CA Video Camp Kiwanis 2021 jpg

Staff Time Off

Campers are here Mon-Fri, staff is off Friday afternoon-Monday Morning.

Staff Qualities

Basic Qualifications: A good role model for Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Atlanta members.
Available: June & July, 8 weeks to work at a resident camp: Monday to Friday (must live on-site).
Current Certification in 1st Aid & CPR.
Duties & Responsibilities: Counselor: The job is both demanding and rewarding as you become like a parent to 10 young men or women. You will have the help of a Counselor in Training and the support of a unit leader and program director. Your job is to provide leadership, guidance, training and supervision to campers in such a way as to provide for their health, safety and happiness. You and your campers will have fun participating in all the camp activities (i.e. archery, nature study, outdoor cooking, kayaking, group initiative games, etc).
Activities Instructor: Activities instructors will teach age appropriate lessons in nature, archery or orienteering, up to seven classes a day. You will also be utilized assisting in the dining hall, first aid, and with counselors during all evening programs.
Lifeguard (must be certified, prefer 21 or older): Lifeguards will be in charge of organizing and directing the waterfront (Broad River) including kayaking, tubing, swimming and fishing. Assistance from counselors as you lead groups of 10 kids on a variety of activities down the river.