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Private Camps

Adventure Links

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Approximate Start Date

Start: 26 May 2023

Approximate End Date

End: 05 Oct 2024

Camp Type

Privately Owned


13220 Yates Ford Road, Clifton, VA 20124


Total: 38 (13 international staff) aged 18+


Total: 13 (co-ed camp)

Camp Overview

Adventure Links is an experiential learning based, adventure sports summer camp. We specialize in activities like backpacking, caving, stand up paddle boarding, kayaking, climbing, canoeing, and everything in between. Our mission is to create uncommon experiences for meaningful transformation in the kids that we work with, whether that be on a climb, in the water, or even laying out under the stars. Camp is an amazing place for those who seek adventure and our goal is to provide it.

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Do you have the skills they're looking for?

We asked the camp what positions they are looking to fill at the recruitment fair. Look out for the big thumbs up!

Are you looking to hire counsellors with Outdoor Adventure & Nature Skills at the fair?

Counsellor Roles:

Here's a list of all the positions this camp commonly hires for!

High/Low Ropes Course
Outdoor Adventure
Overnight Camping
Rock Climbing

Hmm... What's your role?

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Staff Time Off

2 weeks notice for any personal vacation time. During the week, of Day Camp, you have the nights and weekends to yourself. During our overnight camps, you will have one night off during one the six day session.

Staff Qualities

Motivated, excited, adaptable, aware, empathetic, fun, respectful, kid-loving, adventure-loving, creative, driven, kind, and safe individuals with an open mind.