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Camps for Under-Served Communities

4-H Camp Overlook

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Approximate Start Date

Start: 18 Jun 2023

Approximate End Date

End: 16 Sept 2024

Camp Type



70 Beach Rd, Owls Head, New York 12969


Total: 46 (4 international staff) aged 18+


Total: 139 (co-ed camp)

​Camp Overview

4-H Camp Overlook runs a traditional non-profit overnight camp for ages 8-19 in the Northern Adirondack Mountains of New York State. Camp is located on a channel between two beautiful lakes in a rural, wooded, setting. Traditional camp sessions provide youth an in-depth six-day, five-night residential camp experience. Activities include swimming, sailing, canoeing, high and low ropes course, wilderness survival, archery, air gun, and much more! Campers are provided instruction and supervision from our well-trained counselors who act as positive role models. Staff and campers live in cabins with a communal bathhouse.

To the campers, there’s no one cooler than a camp counselor. For that reason, Camp Overlook counselors are rigorously trained and serve as positive role models to help your children develop the physical and social skills that make camp such a valuable experience. Our counselors also have …A SECRET INGREDIENT!! There are no televisions, computer games, cell phones etc., at Camp Overlook.  Instead, the campers spend their days developing new interests and interacting with other young people. Without parents around, the campers take on responsibilities like cabin clean-up, making their own beds, personal hygiene, etc. Camp Overlook is a community-focused organization seeking to inspire wonder in young people while working towards a brighter future for our planet, will you join us?

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Counsellor Roles:

Here's a list of all the positions this camp commonly hires for!

General Counsellors
High/Low Ropes Course
Outdoor Adventure
Waterfront Staff
Wilderness First Aid

Hmm... What's your role?

Staff Time Off

All Staff receive one day off a week (Saturday). Staff have a period off (1 hour) each day, as well as an hour 3 evenings each week.

Staff Qualities

Responsible, Independent thinker, fun, compassionate, positive role model, curious, team player.