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Visa Instructions - Read Carefully

Congratulations - you can now apply for your visa and get set for camp!



Multiple Passport Holders: if you hold multiple passports the nationality on your DS2019 form MUST match the passport you will be using to apply for the visa. If it does not please contact us ASAP at +44 (0)20 7581 7373 or at [email protected]

Holiday Travel to USA- you cannot travel to the USA on a J1 visa until one month before your camp assignment start date - and never before 1st April. If you are planning to travel to the United States on a separate holiday after your J1 visa has been issued and before camp, you MUST contact us for guidance +44 (0)207 581 7373 or [email protected]  Following the Embassy Interview, it will take 5-10 days for you to receive your passport back. It is important if you are travelling, especially around holiday periods, to make sure you leave enough time for your passport to be returned to you before your travel date.


  • Check Your Certificate of Eligibility DS2019 Form (this is on the visa page on your CA online site) to make sure: your name, date of birth, and nationality match your passport. If it does not, please email [email protected] with the corrections. Failure to notify Camp America of a mistake, within two weeks of your form becoming available will incur a charge to make the correction.  Print your DS2019 form to take to the embassy.
  • Complete the Online Visa Non-Immigrant Visa application (DS-160) - - details below
  • Book your J1 VISA appointment and make your VISA payment: Please see embassy contact links at the bottom of these instructions - details below
  • Retrieve your ‘i-901 SEVIS fee receipt’ (also known as the Notice of Action) from - details below

Complete the Online Visa Non-Immigrant Visa application (DS-160) on the website above.  As soon as you start an application, note down the DS-160 number (Application ID), as this will be the only way to retrieve the application. This number starts with AA and is also required when booking an appointment with the Embassy.  The questions that require a specific answer are:

Personal Section:
Q: What is your National Identification number?  This does not apply for UK applicants, therefore please tick ‘Does Not Apply’
Q: US Social Security Number and US Taxpayer ID Number?  If you have never been issued with a social security number or Taxpayer ID, this does not apply for UK applicants, therefore please tick ‘Does Not Apply’. If you are a returner and have been issued with a SSN number you must enter this information.

Travel Information section:
Note: An ESTA is not classified as a visa
Q: Purpose of Trip to the U.S. is? EXCHANGE VISITOR (J1) then EXCHANGE VISITOR (J1)
Q: Intended Date of Arrival?  If you do not have a start date or know your start date, please enter your DATE OF AVAILABILITY.
Q: Intended length of stay?  FOUR MONTHS
Q: Address where you will stay in the U.S?  Please enter your camp address. If you do not have a specific camp use the U.S Camp America
address: 1 HIGH RIDGE PARK, STAMFORD, CT 06905  Email address: [email protected]
Q: Person/Entity paying for your trip?  OTHER COMPANY/ORGANISATION
Q: Name of Company/Organisation paying for your trip?  CAMP AMERICA
Q: Telephone Number:  2033995000 (no spaces)
Q: Relationship to you:  OTHER
Q: Address of Organisation Paying?  1 HIGH RIDGE PARK, STAMFORD, CT 06905

Travel Companion Information:
Q: Are there other persons travelling with you?  NO (This is always NO even if you are travelling at the same time as other people to camp)

U.S. Contact Information:
Q: U.S Point of Contact?  Your Camp Director’s name is on your ‘Placement Section’ of your Camp America account.  If you do not have this information please put in our U.S Camp America contact:  Andrew Newberry, 1 High Ridge Park, Stamford, Connecticut, 06905 / Tel 2033995000  Email: Camp email or if you do not know tick “Does not apply”
Q: Organisation Name?  Name of Camp or if not placed yet – Camp America
Q: Relationship to you?  OTHER

Work/Education/Training Information:
You must not select the ‘Not Employed’ option. If you do not have a job or are not studying at the time of your application then you must enter your last occupation.
Note: End dates of employment cannot be in the future.

VERY IMPORTANT Security and Background:  If you have answered ‘Yes’ to any of these questions the US Embassy in your country may require you to attend special interview dates and provide further information.

Additional Point of Contact:
Please do not be concerned that the form mentions studying. This is simply how the US Embassy views the type of visa that you are applying for.

You may be prompted for the names of two people who can confirm that you are participating on the Camp America programme. This cannot be family members; we therefore suggest you use your two referees' details.

SEVIS Information:  Your SEVIS ID is printed on the top right hand corner of your Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor (J-1) Status form (DS-2019 form). The number starts ‘N00...........’. Your SEVIS ID number also appears on your Camp America account and is located within the VISA/PASSPORT section.

Program Number: This is printed on your DS-2019 form one inch from top four lines below Gender:

  • The Counsellor Camp America Program number is: P-4-04208
  • The Campower Camp America Program number is: P-4-05111

Q: Do you intend to study in the U.S.?  Answer NO to this unless you have already discussed with Camp America applying for more than one visa at a

Upload a photo:
Requirements for the photo you are asked to upload are on the website: No glasses to be worn
You should also take a photo – that meets Embassy requirements, to your interview at the US Embassy.

Once you have submitted your DS-160 application to the U.S. Embassy and been issued with your Confirmation Page, you are ready to book your appointment at the U.S. Embassy.

VERY IMPORTANT to those who have answered “Yes” to Security and Background:  If you have answered ‘Yes’ to any of the Security and Background questions on the DS160 form and tick the box that states“(Your Name) has been arrested, convicted or cautioned for any reason other than alcohol related offenses in any country” in your embassy account, you must follow all instructions sent to you by the embassy concerning documents that will be required at your interview.

Please Note – US Embassy appointment webpages may differ from the instructions stated below. If these instructions are not relevant, please complete the US Embassy appointment pages as required. If you need help contact your local Camp America representative or email [email protected]

  • Make your account with the U.S Embassy - use the weblinks at the bottom of these instructions.  
  • Click ‘Apply’ and tick the box: ‘I have completed the U.S. Non-immigrant Visa application (DS-160) form and I need to apply for a visa’.

    *UK Returners who have been issued with a J1 in the past: You can select the ‘Continue’ or the “Apply” option. Your new record will be connected to your previous J1 and you are able to use the same email address used in previous seasons. You then need to select ‘Add applicant’ option - This adds your application for this year to your previous master account.
  • Enter your ‘Sign Up’ information and select ‘Create Account'.
  • Enter your personal details/passport and DS-160 information – including the DS-160 number, previously known as your Application ID.
  • Visa Class – VERY IMPORTANT. You must enter visa class from the Drop Down as J1 Work Exchange Visitor. If you choose the incorrect visa category (J1 - Student) your application will be locked and no appointment can be made. This cannot be amended by Camp America.
  • You will now be re-directed back to the home page where you will need to click ‘Continue’ to schedule your courier pick up location and make your J-1 VISA payment.  Note: There is now an option to choose the depot to which your passport will be delivered, once your visa application has been processed. Delivery to a depot is at no extra cost. However, if you wish to have this delivered to your home address, this option will become available at an additional cost once you have scheduled your appointment.
  • You now make the payment for your J-1 Visa appointment.
  • You can choose from the J1 U.S Embassy appointments that are available. Choose location, date and time and click ‘Schedule Appointment’.
  • Once scheduled, a Confirmation Page with instructions on what you need for your appointment will appear. Print the Confirmation Page to take to your appointment. The option to change for home delivery will also be available on this page.

IMPORTANT -  enter this embassy appointment onto your On-Line Camp America account immediately to keep us update.

Enter the information as listed on the DS2019 Certificate and in your passport.
The ‘i-901 SEVIS fee receipt’ states that Camp America has paid for your Certificate of Eligibility VISA form (DS2019) to be issued.

  • Click on the box ‘Check i-901 Status/Print Payment Confirmation’
  • Enter SEVIS Identification Number (this is on the top right-hand corner of your Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor (J1) Status form (DS2019) & also on your On Line Camp America account. This number starts ‘N00...............’
  • Click on the ‘Check Application Status/Print Payment Confirmation’ box. Enter the requested information then click ‘View’.
  • Then click on the ‘Print payment confirmation’ box


Print your DS2019 (Certificate of Eligibility) form (this is on the Visa page on your online CA site) - you need a hard copy for your embassy appointment.  Once you have printed the form complete the following at the bottom of the form:

1) Signature
2) Place – Your city or town of where you live
3) Date – US way – MM/DD/YYYY

Do Not write in any other section of this form.

United Kingdom -
Czech Republic -
Denmark -
Estonia -
Ghana -
Guatemala -
Hungary -
Iceland -
Jordan -
Latvia -
Namibia -
Norway -
Sweden -
Thailand -
All other countries -

Click here for important information from the embassy FAQs 

Good luck with your Visa application!

Remember to follow your instructions step-by-step as they are designed to help you and make the process as straight forward as possible. Please keep Camp America updated with your visa process by updating your  Camp America account with your appointment date and location. Once you have received your Passport
back from the Embassy with your Visa Granted, please use your Camp America account to update this once again.

If you have any problems & need help please contact the Camp America - email [email protected] or call +44 (0)207 581 7373 (Monday through
Friday 9:30am-5:00pm GMT).