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Returner California Placements

Returning to a camp in California/Colorado/Wisconsin? Here's everything you need to know!

You'll need to sort out and pay for your own travel arrangements to and from camp...
Camp America flights are not available for California/Colorado/Wisconsin placements, so this means you will need to sort your own flights. 

Own Transport Agreement
Please click here to read the 

Own Transport Agreement.

What you pay to Camp America will now change...
You will now actually pay us less than if you take a Camp America flight.

Your pocket money...
In California/Colorado/Wisconsin, camp staff are eligible to be paid the minimum wage/fixed rate. In all other states, they are exempt from this law. Speak to your camp if you have any queries regarding your pocket money as a Returner.

Your camp contract...
Your camp contract may show deductions made for other items such as accommodation and meals however this WON'T impact the pocket money you receive.

Feel free to get in contact with your local Camp America office if you have any questions about returning to camp.