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"You know you work at Summer Camp when…" by Arianna Ware


  1. You develop the craziest tan lines; watch strap, friendship bracelets, shorts, t-shirts, necklace/whistle, wellies…you name it…the sun will catch the skin around it and leave you with the stupidest of tan lines – or in my case, burn lines
  2. Seeing ‘s’mores’ on your schedule was the most exciting ever…s’mores are the best breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack…s’mores are just the best
  3. Not even a major storm can ruin the fun of camp
  4. You master the art of quick showers
  5. Aand it feels weird when you shower without flip flops after camp
  6. The word ‘bored’ doesn’t exist
  7. You understand the importance of a crazy costume collection
  8. Sleeping in a tent is the most peaceful sleeping arrangement ever
  9. You forget what Air Conditioning feels like
  10. You don’t respond to your normal name because you’ve adapted to being called your camp name for the past 8 weeks
  11. Bug spray becomes your best friend but it never seems to feel the same about you
  12. You can soon play dot-to-dot with your bug bites
  13. Your idea of a good song begins with a ‘This is a repeat song’
  14. Moments of silence turns into moments of songs
  15. You physically cannot talk about a moose without breaking into: THERE WAS A MOOSE, AND HE DRANK ALOT OF JUICE
  16. But some camp songs bring tears to your eyes
  17. It’s acceptable to randomly get up and break into a song and dance at the dinner table
  18. Camp is the one place you do not care about how you look…I mean, you’ve gone 8+ weeks without makeup and hair appliances
  19. You learn to function off little sleep
  20. Life outside of camp soon  feels ‘abnormal’
  21. ‘Bug Juice’ is better than it sounds
  22. Wax Museum is your worst nightmare, but at the same time, your saviour
  23. Singing ‘Alive, Alert, Awake, Enthusiastic’ actually does make you feel alive, alert, awake and enthusiastic
  24. Although you weren’t meant to have ‘favourites’…you did
  25. Your wrist is covered in friendship bracelets
  26. Sharpies are your most prized possession
  27. Your favourite fashion accessory is a bandana
  28. Being at home makes you ‘campsick’
  29. Nothing compares to the bittersweet feeling of the last day at camp
  30. You are physically, emotionally and mentally drained but immediately start counting down the days to next summer!