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Applications for Summer 2025 are open now. Don’t miss out on an unforgettable summer.
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"Who is this stranger with their unknown blog? And what are they talking about?!" by Freya Sedgwick


First step…. get myself ready for summer camp. I went through an agency called Camp America, they help you throughout the process and help you get your visas arranged and even help you secure a place on a summer camp! This summer i’m going to a Jewish camp in Pennsylvania and I could not be more excited!

I leave for the USA on Sunday so from now until then Ill be blogging about my preparation for camp (what im packing, what im doing on camp and discussing that all important question amongst Camp America applicants, suitcase or backpack?), I might even do a sneaky blog on my way to the airport! 

From Sunday onwards my posts may become few and far between, as I’ll be on camp but I’ll be keeping you guys updated as often as I can. Can’t wait to share my adventure with you guys! 

Bye for now!
