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Applications for Summer 2025 are open now. Don’t miss out on an unforgettable summer.
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Top Tips to Ace Your Application!


The application is pretty straightforward; you can apply online and we’re always on hand to guide you through it. You can also tune in to our ‘Live at 5’ on Facebook Q&A every Thursday! But to help you on your way to an amazing summer, here are some top tips to ace your application.

BE PREPARED. Make sure you have as many documents as you can ready, so that your application is ready to go, as and when each part is completed.

- Send off for your police check

- Get two references (not from family members – someone in a professional capacity)

- Put together a list of skills that you can contribute

- Create a video showcasing your talents

SKILLS & EXPERIENCE. You are required to put down at least 3 skills for your application. Skills such as; archery, rock climbing, kayaking, gymnastics, ropes, lifeguarding, horseback riding, motorboat driving, magic, piano, riflery, sailing, swim teacher, tennis, trapeze, wakeboarding, waterskiing and windsurfing are always in high demand with camps.

A lot of camps will have general counsellors, so if you can work across a variety of subjects, you will be more attractive to camps. If you don’t have a good range of skills, volunteering can boost your experience and skill set. You could volunteer at a school, local sports team, local leisure centre etc. to boost your experience. Look for events in your local town that you could also volunteer at. It will give you something to add to your application and something recent to talk about in your interview with a camp director. If you are struggling with ideas, search for camps online and look at their activities, to see if there is anything on camp websites that you could add as a skill.

FLEXIBILITY. You will be asked to put your availability on your application. Having an earlier start date, will improve your chances at getting hired. Be flexible. You need to be available to leave between May 1st & June 20th. Also be open minded when it comes to the type of camp that you could work at.

BIG YOURSELF UP. This is your chance to impress a camp. As Brits we can sometimes be too modest and Americans are not used to this. Be proud of your achievements, make sure that you show how enthusiastic you are and how much you want to go to camp.

VIDEO. A video is a great way to catch the attention of an employer. A Camp Director is going to see A LOT of applications for staff. A video provides a great opportunity to create a fun and engaging way to showcase your skills and let your personality shine through. Keep it light and upbeat; show off your talents with a fun and quick video. Don’t try and put a lot of information into the video – you just want to catch their eye, then they can read more about you on your application. Keep it short; show you are enthusiastic and passionate and that you will be a great addition to the team. Humour is a great way to peak your viewers interest, but make sure it is appropriate – you’ll be working with kids so keep it clean!

SMILE. Make sure your picture is appropriate and you’re smiling! No duck faces here!

SOCIAL MEDIA. Make sure all your social media accounts are either private, or kid friendly! Prospective employers are bound to Google you – pictures of you at the local club are not going to give a good impression.

REFERENCES. You will need two references for your application, which need to be from someone you know in a professional capacity. You can use references from employers, lecturers or tutors or from any volunteer work you may have completed.

INTERVIEW Once you have filled out your personal information, added references and made your first payment, you can select an interviewer. The Camp America interview is incredibly relaxed, so don’t be nervous. Interviewers have been to camp and want to help more people enjoy the same experience that they have, so they will help guide you through your application. Ask questions and talk about your experience, even if you’re not sure if it is relevant.

BE PATIENT. After your application is finalised and you have made all your payments, your application is activated for potential camps to look at your profile. The wait can be agonising! Don’t worry, camps can hire right up until May and most won’t start their hiring process straight after summer; so don’t get disheartened if your application isn’t picked up straight away.

CAMP INTERVIEWS. Once your application has been picked up by a camp you will have an interview with a camp director. This is a whole post in itself, so look out for our tips on Camp Interviews, coming soon to the blog!

Good Luck - Pops CA 


Pops documents her journeys around the world, including spending her summers in California at camp. Check out her adventures here: Or follow her on twitter.