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"The infection that is Wanderlust" by Sophie Mullender


Oh dear oh dear.

I know just writing this post is going to come with the package of two hours worth of travel blog viewing after this. Am I prepared? Well yes, because that has been my life for the past few months.

Only people who have a severe case of wanderlust will truly be able to understand and relate to this post. Now i’m 22, I’m well within the category of ‘what-shall-i-do-with-my-life’ people who are having an early-life crisis so decide to do the best possible thing – travel the world.

Whilst I am completely elated for these individuals, I am also filled with jealousy and annoyance that they have the cheek to go travelling a) before me and b) without me. I mean really, it’s just rude and I am known to hold a grudge.

Enter Sophie – the stalker. If you are reading this whilst you are travelling, sitting on a beach watching a sunset and listening to a hot guy playing the guitar, you will know me as ‘Sophie – that acquaintance that likes all my Instagram posts.’ Yes, that’s what they’ll be calling me. Wanting to travel but not travelling leads you to following every path that people are taking, jotting down ideas, asking them what camera they are using and how long they’ll be travelling for. I am that person – and I am not ashamed.

I started yearning for escape when I went off to America. Becoming engrossed in another culture only leaves you wanting more. I love my life back at home, my friends and the home comforts, but I’m left with this ache of dreaming about a place I am yet to have been. I want to hike mountains, watch sunsets on a beach, meet people from around the world. It is this constant battle between two completely different lives and trying to have both but knowing no job will allow you to take half the year off to explore. However, that would be epic.

So that’s why as of January I’ll be off to explore the world. I’ll be visiting New Zealand, Australia, Fiji and then hopefully spending 5 months in Tanzania, South Africa and Namibia. I am absolutely petrified but at the same time I have never been more excited at the prospect of anything, ever. I cannot wait to be that person posting photos on Instagram and meeting locals from countries who have incredible stories to tell.

I promise that I won’t be the person posting a photo saying ‘How’s your Monday going?’

This year, with all the crap going on in the world, has truly made me realise we are simply not on this Earth for long enough. Whilst I know travelling will be a daunting experience, I also know that I, and England, occupy such a tiny space in this world and it would be a crime not to see all that is on offer. I mean, it’s like going to Disneyland and only going on one ride.

I am ready to be inspired. I am ready to grow up.

Am I ready to skydive though? No – absolutely not. I’ll get there.