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"Step outside your comfort zone…" by Sophie Mullender


So recently, I made my debut in the blogging world about a post on stepping outside your comfort zone and coming face to face with those challenges that scare yet educate us the most.

I hope this inspires someone today.

To me, camp is all about embracing the fear of the unknown in the best possible way. Trying new experiences; whether that be picking up Monty the Python for the very first time in Nature or taking that first step off to fly across the forest on a Zip-line. Camp is the perfect place to go to step outside your comfort zone. It is a place where you will never be judged if you take longer to get up the rock wall than someone else, never be judged if your friendship bracelet doesn’t turn out quite how you planned. Why? Simply because the most important thing was that you were trying in the first place.

As a counselor, there is nothing more impacting than witnessing a child pushing their boundaries and feeling accomplished by the end of the day. During a week at camp, we had a board where children would write something new they tried today. That board filled up quicker than we could have possibly imagined and made us all realise that stepping outside your comfort zone doesn’tneed to result in huge decisions. It could be trying a new food for the first time, saying hello to someone who you’ve never spoken to. These little actions all contribute to making our campers leave camp with the feeling that they truly learnt something and overcame exciting challenges. It allows our children to grow in only the short space of a week.

It is inspirational to talk to a child after they have pushed themselves. To see that beaming grin shine not only on their face, but all through camp itself. For them to tell each and every one of their new friends at camp and to be greeted with nothing but support and respect for each other. Camp is acceptance. I truly believe that when a child steps out of their comfort zone they find where the magic happens. Every child deserves to have this experience – to believe they could one summer pick up that red flag and run it all the way across the field, to believe they can be the last one in the sandpit at GaGa ball. Every camper is individual, and every camper should have the chance to thrive wherever they see fit.

Stepping out of your comfort zone isn’t just for campers, but for counsellors too. The role of a counselor is a challenging and rewarding job where, if you push yourself to be the best that you can be, the rewards will impact you for the rest of your life.

Maybe this year will be the year I reach the top of that climbing wall? If so, I hope to see you up there with me too. 

If you have any questions about being a Camp Counselor, feel free to contact me by email: [email protected]. Thank you!