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STEP 2: SAVE THE DATE(S) by Carys Louie Tellyn


Speaking of which, was anyone else completely and utterly fooled upon receiving the CA Halloween email? When I refreshed my emails for the one-hundred-and-sixth time that week, my heart skipped many a beat as I read the subject text “Application Update”, thinking that I had been placed!!!... I then opened the email to find that it was actually just the lovely people at CA keeping me updated with my current status…talk about ‘Trick or Treat’!

However, as I continue to evolve into an email-refreshing psycho, CA have done us all a huge favour by putting together this year’s recruitment fairs! Before I go into more detail about what these events are, let me give you the dates for your diaries:

EDINBURGH- 17th January 2017

MANCHESTER- 19th January 2017

LONDON- 21st January 2017

So, what is a recruitment fair? Put simply, a recruitment fair is an event organised by CA which allows us the opportunity to get hired on the spot. Camp directors from all corners of the USA fly over to the UK to attend recruitment fairs, meet us, and hire us (if they like us!!).

The great thing about these events are that they’re easiest way to get hired! I know 7 other people who have participated in the Camp America programme in the past, and all of those people were hired at recruitment fairs rather than just via their online application. So it’s definitely worth getting along to one of them if you can. I know I will be!

Another fantastic thing about attending recruitment fairs is that you get to choose exactly which camps you speak to! In the run up to the recruitment fairs, CA will publish a list of camps who will be attending, so you can go away and do your research, then come up with a list of which camps you would like to speak to on the day. It allows you to take control over your perfect summer adventure!

And the best thing about it is that you can walk away knowing exactly what your summer plans will be and look forward to an adventure of a lifetime! No more waiting anxiously for an email, a phone call or a pigeon.

Obviously, between now and January many of us will already have secured a placement, but for those of us who haven’t, recruitment fairs come to save our lives! We owe CA and all the camps that take part a huge THANK YOU for making this event happen and bringing us all one step closer to that all important placement.

Of course my fingers remain very much crossed until then, but otherwise, see you all there!!