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33 and 1/3 Reasons Why There’s No Place Like Camp...


1. Your colleagues become your best friends and family.

2. You’ll never have a better view from your office.

3. Every day feels like a Friday - Yay! In fact, you have NO idea what day of the week it is.

4. You start to realise life without social media isn’t so bad. In fact, you actually quite like it!

5. However, you still come away with 100’s of new followers!

6. Your days are filled with SO MANY ACTIVITIES! Seriously, who thought you could fit all of that into just one day?


7. You learn how to survive on very little sleep. You don’t need an alarm clock. Keen campers and a massive bugle will do the trick…

8. …that and Gatorade! Bring on the electrolytes (whatever the hell they are!)


9. You wear face paint more often than make up.

10. Tie-dye somehow becomes cool.


11. As do Snapbacks and friendship bracelets.


12. And high fiving! AWSEOME! 

13. Fancy dress becomes normal every day wear.

14. It’s ok to dance on the table! Even at 8am!

15. In fact, acting like a maniac is encouraged!


16. You actually get fed up of eating pancakes.  

17. You get back to basics & realise how little you need in order to be happy.

18. You get to breathe fresh air every single day!

19. And life doesn’t need a filter!

20. You get a tan without even trying.

21. And a swim in the lake or the pool totally counts as a shower.


22. Chipmunks become your pets.

23. And there’s a strong chance you’ll encounter a bear. And you’ll tell the story for years to come. 

24. Everyone loves your accent! You’ve never felt so popular!


25. You’re basically a rock star! 

26. You get excited for a day off... 

...but after a few hours away you start to miss camp. FOMO!


27. Stargazing becomes a nightly ritual.

28. And the smell of campfire feels like home.

29. You can never have too many s’mores! GIVE ME S’MORE!


30. It’s a special place where you’ll make memories that will last a lifetime.

31. You’ll be a hero to 100’s of campers.

32. It’s the one place you can TOTALLY be yourself!

33. Or be someone completely different

In fact at least a 1/3 of who you’ve become is thanks to your time at camp!