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Open Letters: Letter 3


Blog 2

Future Camp Counselor:

You have probably heard “camp is a special place” or “camp holds a special place in my heart” more times than you can count at this point. From former counselors, camp directors, and campers alike. I’m not going to lie, it really is! What I want you to know, though, is that it is a special place for everyone in very different ways. This is a fact. A fact that makes it difficult for me to truly prepare you for the adventure you are about to head out on. That doesn’t mean I won’t try! 

Camp is a living, breathing place, people come and go while the memories never fade away. Our camp is ready for you to bring your own special along so it can give some back to you to take away. You will touch the lives of the campers and you will also leave a lasting impression on the property. 

When you arrive, please ask questions! I am here for you, the returning counselors are here for you, the new counselors are here for you, and once we make it to the first day of campers we are all here for them! If you need anything, ask. Food, clothes, pillows, even a hug, do not go to bed without the things you need. 

Leaving home for months, especially for the first time, can be a scary experience. I can’t actually fully relate to what you are going through. My camps have always been close enough for me to go home on the weekends or a night off. Be open about wanting to head to a new friends home for the weekend. We all are willing to open our doors, we just don’t want to overwhelm you with offers. And often...who really wants to head home for the weekend with the boss? If you need help navigating your time off, we are here for you.

Once we get all settled in and learn all the ins and outs of camp, we will get our campers, which is really why we are here, right? Every week is a new group, they have no idea what your week was like before, for them this is day one, and they are so excited and sometimes scared. 

With that I’d like for you to have one of my favorite sets of lyrics about being a counselor at a summer camp that I learned when I was a Counselor-In-Training, almost 24 years ago. 

Pickin’ Flowers 

Gonna be a counselor at a summer camp, gonna find out what it's about.
Little eyes are gonna look up at you, little hands will reach out.
Pickin' flowers in the rain and laughin' with the sun.
Tryin' to teach 'em how to live by themselves and still get things done.

The days are long, and the nights are short, and the pay is so small.
And you never know if what you say is sinking in at all.
Pickin' flowers in the rain and laughin' with the sun.
Tryin' to teach 'em how to live by themselves and still get things done.

Build a fire, dig a trench, sharpen axe with a whetstone
And maybe next time when you're not here, they can do it on their own.
Pickin' flowers in the rain and laughin' with the sun.
Tryin' to teach 'em how to live by themselves and still get things done.

Sometimes things don't work out right, and we think we are flops.
But they look at us and they smile at us and they ask us not to stop.
Pickin' flowers in the rain and laughin' with the sun.
Tryin' to teach 'em how to live by themselves and still get things done.

When it's all over and it's time to leave, you’ll sit back and think
What parts of you did they take along, what parts of them did they leave?
Pickin' flowers in the rain and laughin' with the sun.
Tryin' to teach 'em how to live by themselves and still get things done.

So that's why I'm here at this summer camp, and I hope that you feel the same way.
There's lots to get, but there's more to give, and I hope that you're here to stay.
Pickin' flowers in the rain and laughin' with the sun.
Tryin' to teach 'em how to live by themselves and still get things done.

We can’t wait for you to arrive and the campers are more excited than I am! 

Yours in Camping, 

Your future Camp Director.