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Maja - Humans of Camp America


This is my second year here, and I love it even more this year. 

I am a unit leader, which means I have taken on the responsibility of 15-20 girls and 3-4 staff members. 

The biggest thing this camp has taught me is independence, and that girls can do anything they want to. 

We teach the girls how to be strong and independent. We have them kayak on the pond, make fake snow in the science center, do astronomy at night, we hike the trails that surround the camp, but most importantly, we show them how to make new friends in a new place. 

The thing I was most excited for was to see my returning campers again. And it has been amazing so far! The joy of seeing the girls again is what makes it all worth it. Sleeping in a wooden cabin without AC, late nights, early mornings. All worth it when you see them again, or when you receive a letter two weeks later, telling you that they had the best time ever. 

Maja - Camp Winona (2015-2016)