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Jotty - Humans of Camp America


I went to the London fair last February and within 10 minutes had an interview for a camp which I ended up being hired for. I was unbelievably excited and a little bit shocked when I was told I got placed. The first thing I did was call my parents to let them know.. I remember feeling so thrilled I couldn't think about anything else but camp for the next few weeks.

The fair was such an easy process, I'd definitely recommend anyone thinking about doing Camp America to go to one. It's great to see directors in person and you can really show your personality face to face rather than on the online application. One of the guys I met at the fair I worked with all summer and he's now one of my best friends, which is crazy considering we only met less than a year ago!!

Camp America is without a doubt the most amazing thing I have ever done. I have met people who I know I will be friends with for a long time, I have made memories that will stay with me forever and I'm so thankful for all the people who have made that possible for me. I can't recommend the programme enough, it's honestly a life changing experience.

Jotty - Golden Slipper Camp (2015+)