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Applications for Summer 2025 are open now. Don’t miss out on an unforgettable summer.
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"It's the most wonderful time of the year" by Arianna Ware


Want to do Camp America this summer like I did? Get your summer sorted in a single day at the Camp America Recruitment Fairs in January! This blog should answer all your questions about the fairs, but if you want any more information just enter your details at this link:​ and don't be afraid to tweet me!

What are the Recruitment Fairs?

​Camp America Recruitment Fairs are an annual event that brings hundreds of camps to the UK, across three different venue dates, generating thousands of placements. It's an event not to be missed if you want to spend summer '17, living and working on a summer camp on the USA.

What can I expect on the day?

​Let's be honest, you need to be prepared for what could be a long day. With thousands of hopeful applicants wanting to secure a place at a camp, the queues outside before the event starts, can get pretty big; so wrap up warm, get there early (so you're one of the first ones in), and make use of your time by socialising with the people around you - you're all in the same boat, why not start the friendships rolling!

Camp America staff will also be outside and insdie to give you everything you need, be there if you have any questions, but more importantly, be there to just talk with you in the queue, and entertain you. You may notice the performances of camp songs on a megaphone, you may notice some excitable dancing and cheering, you may notice people walking around with props and a camera - don't be alarmed, this is all normal behaviour of people who've been to camp, so join in and have fun!

At each venue, camp directors will have their own station/stand, and alongside the pre-published list of camps, here, and map showing the location of each camp inside the venue (which will be given to you when you arrive)​, throughout the day, inside the venue, each camp will update hopeful applicants as much as possible on what positions they are recruiting for there and then, by writing/erasing positions on a white board/paper that will be visible for you to see as you walk around. This is to ensure the right people are speaking to the right camp, and avoids wasting both your time, and the directors.

Camp America will also use their social media channels throughout the day to constantly update available positions, whilst also sharing the general fun of the day. The best channels to watch for camp updates will be Twitter (@CampAmerica69) and Snapchat (Campamerica1969).

How should I prepare?

​DO YOUR RESEARCH! Know what camps are attending the fairs, see them here, make a list of your top 5 or so (or more, you can never look in to too many camps) that best match your skills, personality, availability, etc. Have a look at the camps websites, so you know who they are, what they offer, and you can tell them how you'd fit in and why you want to work there! If you don't get placed at some of your top choices, keep going, and talk to as many camps as possible - the more camps you talk to, the highest chance of placement! Just make sure you don't get disheartened if you don't get placed straight away, keep your energy levels and positivity up and be yourself, that's what camp directors want to see!

When you're speaking to camp directors, sell yourself, and show off (to a certain extent). If your application says you can sing, what's stopping you from giving them a little snippet? You can do magic? Show them. Camp directors love to see you as what you've written on paper, and your confidence. If you learnt a camp song in the queue outside, what's stopping you from going for it and breaking into a song for the directors? It'd go down a treat!

​What should I bring?

​Have your application printed out and ready to show camp directors, and bring whatever tropies/medals/certificates/awards/qualifications you have that reflect your skills! It's also a good idea to bring along photos of you doing your activities, or even some videos on your phone/tablet-show off! It doesn't matter if not - you've got your application and yourself to sell, but whatever reflects your skills and is portable to the fair, bring it along, it'll be in your favour.

​What happens after the fair?

​Got placed? Start the countdown to Summer, and keep an eye on your CA portal to make sure you complete your 'things to do list' such as payments.

Didn't get placed? Don't be disheartened. It's still early on in the season, and hundreds of camps still recruit right up until May! Good things come to those who wait.

So, if you are free on one of the following days, and want a placement on a summer camp in the USA, register online and see you there!!

Edinburgh 17th January

Manchester 19th January

London 21st January

​Who knows, one recruitment fair could change your life.

​- Always Exploring.