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Jimmy - Humans of Camp America (CA Staff)


I had a brilliant time every year, starting off as videographer the first year to becoming a division leader during my third. These experiences will stay with me forever because to me camp is completely unique. My favourite thing about camp without a doubt is that it was my chance every year to be completely 100% myself. In the real world I try not to take myself too seriously, but every now and then there’s a time and a place. Not at camp though! Take it from me; no one will ever condemn you for being a bit out there and having fun.

I’d spend my entire summer being myself, messing around and doing what I thought might make other people laugh or be happy. So when that pays off and your kids look up to you the way they did at camp, it’s one of the best feelings ever.

What stands out over my three years was a group of kids we had in our fourth session of my third summer. All I have to do is mention ‘Session 4 Commodores’ to any of my co-counsellors from that year and it brings a smile to their face. They were the oldest age group so they knew exactly what camp was like and got involved in everything they possibly could.

At one point during the session one of my co-counsellors, Alex, had been away on an excursion to the Appalachian Mountains with some other campers. He’d been away for 4 days. When he came back I spotted him walking down the hill and because myself and Alex were having a bit of a summer bromance I decided to shout his name and run towards him for a big welcome back hug. What I didn’t expect was for every single kid in my division to follow me and jump in to what turned out to be a huge group hug/mob. 30 kids and 5 counsellors in total.

This ended up happening right in front of the guys in Day Camp and one of the Programme Staff said it was one of his highlights of camp seeing this happen. It was just one of those naturally perfect moments.

Turns out camp also makes you say very cheesy things.

Camp was incredible and I wouldn’t change a thing about my experience.

Jimmy (Timber Lake Camp - 2011 & 2012. Camp Letts - 2013)