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"How to ace a CA Recruitment Fair" by Sinead McGrath (Liverpool Brand Manager & Interviewer)


It’s the most wonderful time of the year (no I don’t mean Christmas)!!!!!! That one week where Camp America hit up 3 cities to bring over 160+ camps to you, yes YOU, at our fantastic recruitment fairs!

What is a recruitment fair I hear you ask?

Well, it’s our chance to bring the camps to you here in the UK! Camps from all over the USA come to our fairs looking for some fantastic applicants to place at their camps! From General Counsellors to High Ropes, Lifeguards to Drama, Special Needs to Private – the range of job roles and camp types is truly awesome and gives you the chance to pick what camps to approach!

Where and when are these incredible events?!

Edinburgh – Tuesday 19th January

Manchester – Thursday 21st January

London – 23rd January

So many of you may say how do I prep for this all important recruitment fair? Well, here’s the Liverpool Brand Managers top tips for how to ace that all important interview at the fair:


It may sound obvious, but research pays off! All the camps and the placements they have available as well as the age range they will be hiring are available on our website! Come with a list, maybe 3-5 camps that are you top choices that you’ve really looked in to and know you want to talk to. Knowing who you want to speak to will be helpful when the ever-awesome Camp America staff provide you with a layout of the room and where each camp is located.


Again, it sounds obvious, but a print out of your application is pretty important! Post-interview or pre-interview, either way it’s a good idea to bring both. Camps want to see a hard copy of your application and any certificates or qualifications you may have. Having a print out and a spare copy will also help you refresh your memory of what you wrote on that important application form!


Confidence is key in helping you land your dream summer job, whilst nerves are normal, make sure you are smiling and ready to speak to the directors! Adam from our Liverpool BM team says “a strong handshake is always a great way to say you mean business!” Not just that but you’re enthusiasm to work at camp and you’re spirit is what can help you stand out to a camp director!

Remember, camps want to see those skills that will make you shine! Magic your thing? Show them a card trick, maybe you can break dance? Heck show them anything they will LOVE it.


So doors are at 12 NOON SHARP! We do expect hundreds of applicants to each fair so make sure you’re early where possible to get yourself settled and ready. Be aware at all fairs there will be two queues depending on whether or not you have had your face-to-face interview. Confused? Our friendly staff will be outside to point you in the right direction!

Please be aware that some of our venues may run bag searches so try to limit what you bring!


We ain’t in America yet so dress up warm! It’s been super cold this past week here so be prepared for the cold, maybe even bring a flask for a good old British brew whilst you’re in the queue!


Be as open minded as possible. The more flexible you are, the more camps will appeal to you at the fair and the more opportunity you will be giving yourself to get hired!

But most importantly, HAVE FUN 

Camp America is all about the FUN FACTOR! If you are fun, enthusiastic and give it you’re all on the day, then it will pay off for you.

Now I know some people may be thinking but what if….

My first choice doesn’t hire me?

There are LOADS of camps at our recruitment fair. By being open minded and speaking to a variety of camps, you will increase your chance of placement on the day!

I’m not hired at a fair?

IT’S ALL GOOD!!!! DO NOT PANIC! We work with hundreds of camps across the states, believe it or not the number that come to recruitment fairs is only a small proportion. From experience I can tell you both summers I was hired online! One placement was given to me a week before I flew out! We hire right until the last minute and have people tirelessly working to make your dream placement come true, please don’t feel like the recruitment fair is your only method of being placed at a camp because it isn’t and I can promise you that!

I can’t make the fair? Am I missing out?

100% NOT! Whilst it’s beneficial to go, the above applies! We are continuously hiring online so don’t panic we understand people have commitments they can’t escape.

So I’ve got you interested in the AMAZING, FANTASTIC, SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS Recruitment Fairs? How do I start researching camps and see who’s at the fairs? All your answers are at this link:

Stuck and need some guidance?

Tweet @campamerica69 for help

Want to DM me? Go for it my twitter is @sineademily_xo

See you next week CA’ers

All the love & luck,


Sinead McGrath, Liverpool BM & Interviewer