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Chloe - Humans of Camp America


"I first heard of CA when I was 14 years old and my heart was set on going to camp. It looked like the perfect mix of adventure, fun and the opportunity to be an incredible role model to children. I originally applied when I was 18 (in 2014) but was unable to go due to exams. Luckily, it all worked out perfectly for summer 2016. Having to wait so long to go to camp made me so much more grateful for it.

My camp was a Girl Scout camp and I loved it so much. My favourite thing about my camp type was that every single person was welcomed, accepted and valued. We had different languages, ethnicities, sexualities, nationalities, etc etc. My camp taught me that girls are all different but we are all amazing, capable and strong - especially when we are together.

Camp stays with me in so many different ways. I’m so much more confident after doing camp and I think that I’m even better at being able to celebrate other people and realise how to appreciate people’s strengths and abilities in a team. I send letters back and forth with people from camp and it is so lovely to keep in touch. I have planned to have a camp related tattoo so camp will definitely be staying with me forever!

Camp has shown me that I definitely want to continue working with children – especially from around the world. I currently work in a preschool and the children absolutely love the camp songs that I have taught them!

I would recommend CA because it is honestly a life changing experience. It helps you grow in confidence and realise strengths and abilities that you didn’t even know you had. It exposes you to people you never would have met before and they become your family for the summer. It changes you in so many hugely positive ways."