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"Can’t believe its the second week!" by Freya Sedgwick


Even though im tired all the time, I wake the girls up on a morning and we all help to clean the cabin with the help of the other counselors of course! Todays friday which means its Shabbat (So Shabbat Sholam everybody!) this day tends to include an amazing meal and then a prayer service with songs etc and it really does bring the entire camp together. Its so nice to see everyone together and be one big family. We all have to wear white and everyone makes an effort. I got on stage a couple of days ago in our camp theatre with some other staff members to do the hero show. This is basically a show which each week, explains a Jewish hero to the campers, which is then incorporated into their programme. It was so much fun to do something different to what i’d normally do at home and was so funny seeing all the staff enjoying it!

Finally got my first day off tomorrow and im heading to New York! This is the most exciting thing to me considering i’ve wanted to go since I was tiny. I plan on doing all the touristy things tomorrow as im going travelling after camp so can do the local things then. I want to go to Black taps which is famous for its massive milkshakes and then do the obvious like going to the empire state building and Time Square. I cant wait for tomorrow its going to be so exciting! I wish there were tickets left for a Broadway show but there isn’t and that makes me so sad [��] found a really cool restaurant though on Broadway which has singing waiters etc from Broadway which sounds so cool!

Today’s post is a bit of a short one as there’s so much to say but i don’t even know where to start! I’ll hopefully catch you guys up soon!

Bye for now!
