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"Camp America Orientation" by Keely Raynor


Hi guys, so this post is all about the Camp America Orientation day I attended a couple of weeks ago in Birmingham. It was around 3 and a half hours long and it was highly insightful. We got there at 12, and had to wear stickers with out names on and information about the type of camp we were going too, that way it would be a lot easier to find people going to the same camp as you.

The meeting took place in a massive room, and was led by a power-point and 3 really enthusiastic presenters that had all been camp before, and they were all really helpful because they were really honest and open about their experiences, and it made me feel even more excited to go to camp! We had to get into teams with people that we had something in common with, so I was in a team with all of the counsellors-to-be who will be going to Illinois, and we took part in a lot of games, such as, 'wa' and rock paper scissors, we also learnt songs, and the purpose of all of this was learning fun activities that we could take to camp with us.

We also learnt a lot about the different camp types that we would be going to, for me, I am going to a Salvation Army Christian Camp, and I got to watch a 10-minute video all about it and it taught me loads! We also had to talk about more serious matters, such as, child protection, visas and insurance.

Basically, all in all it was a very informative day and I feel a lot more prepared for summer camp now, so many more things happened there than what I explained but if I was to tell you all of it then I'm afraid that I would be writing all day.