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Arianna - Humans of Camp America (CA Interviewer)


Before camp, I was the type of person that hated the thought of being away from home, and would suffer with homesickness very easily. How I had the courage to apply for Camp America, I do not know, but I wanted to take part in the programme because I've always loved the USA as a destination, have had a passion for working with children, and I knew the whole experience would help shape me into the person I am today!

After a week of orientation, it was time to say goodbye to the quiet, timid and sensitive 18 year old me and hello to the enthusiastic, positive and confident self, who, from the following week, was going by the name, Nutella; a counsellor, a friend...a role model! Not only was it my first time away from home, it was a lot of the campers first time too, and they were a lot younger than me, so, it was my responsibility to ensure everyone felt welcome, everyone was safe, and of course, everyone was having fun!! It was amazing to be part of a summer camp that gave girls the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors, make new friends, and help the world become a better place. People ask me what my favourite part of summer camp was, but I find it practically impossible to answer. Something I'll always be grateful for is the campers. Campers look forward to going to summer camp all year, their energy, enthusiasm and positivity is contagious and camp quickly becomes the best place on earth.

9 weeks later, I had an arm full of friendship bracelets and a heart full of memories, but it wasn't until I was sat on the plane that I realised, Summer 15' completely changed my life. It's hard to believe that after only 9 weeks, I have become a much more confident and independent person, I made a difference to young girls lives at camp, and i’ve come back home with loads of friends for life. Forget the homesickness, I now suffer major camp sickness!!

‘From the outside looking in, you will never understand it. From the inside looking out, you will never be able to explain it’: for everyone that has worked at camp, or is going to work at camp, you’ll never find more relatable words - its amazing to have somewhere to go each summer where you can truly be yourself, be reunited with co-counsellors and campers...a place you’re proud to call 'home'.


GSNEO's Camp Ledgewood (2015+)