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A Camp Counsellor Christmas List!


It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Hundreds of you have already been placed and the UK’s BIGGEST Summer Camp Recruitment Fairs are just around the corner! We’ve put together a Christmas list that’s perfect for any camp counsellor preparing for an incredible summer in 2018. Whether you’ve been placed or waiting to be placed, check out this list and let your friends and family know what would make your Christmas that little bit extra special!

1.Friendship String

If you didn’t know before, you’ll know as soon as you step onto camp that friendship bracelets are EVERYTHING at summer camp. You’ll make friends in an instant, so get practising your skills and you’ll be the most loved counsellor before you’ve even arrived!

2. Watch

If we know anything, it’s that you won’t survive a summer at camp without a watch. It’s time to leave the fancy ones at home, so unleash your favourite guilty pleasure and ask for a fun, cheap, waterproof watch that inevitably has some kind of Disney character on it...

3.Water Bottle

America is hot. You’ll be extremely fortunate to spend the majority of your time at camp outdoors. So get outside, get hydrated and get a super flash water bottle this Christmas!


Hammocks come attached to a camp counsellor just as much as Crocs or Chaco’s do. This is the perfect addition to a summer – you can sleep under the stars, camp out with your friends or just get a little relaxation on your time off!

5. Travel Journal

We promise this is going to be a summer you’ll want to document. We always hear of lots of counsellors (us in the office included) who wish they wrote down more of their favourite moments at camp! It gets super busy in the summer, but you’ll be glad you did when you read back all those private jokes years later. 


Polaroids will make your summer even more insta-worthy than it already is. All you need are your new bffs and a camp sunset to make allll your friends at home crazy jealous.

7. Tie-Dye Kit

It is practically a requirement to wear tie-dye at camp and it's a true sign you have fully embraced all that camp life has to offer. If you turn up to camp in tie-dye, we reckon they’ll probably hand you your counsellor of the year trophy then and there...

8. Socks

You may laugh, but you won’t when you’re 2 weeks into camp and questioning everyone over whether they’ve stolen your socks. We have NO idea where they go, but we do know that on average, a camp counsellor definitely loses at least one sock every 4.5 days. Don’t leave this off your Christmas list - it's definitely the most important one! 

9. Torch

A torch is a must once you get to camp. However, make sure you call it a flashlight (otherwise nobody will know what you’re talking about). Torches are handy for making sure you don’t walk into things at night… such as the lake.

10. American themed clothes

Primark are amazing for this kind of thing! You’re going to get involved in tonnes of fancy dress fun and 4th July festivities next summer. So, why not get started early and plan your most extra costume possible? In America, the more extra the better – we promise.

11. Cards

They’ll be times at camp you’ll need an on-the-spot rainy day game, or perhaps just some time to kill before the next activity! Cards are always a winner – and they’re a fantastic ice breaker!

Let us know which items you put on your Christmas list and send us in a photo if you get any of them! Fancy a late Christmas present? How about getting your summer sorted ON THE SPOT at the UK’s BIGGEST Summer Camp Recruitment Fairs! Check out all the details here, and sign up on your online account today.