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Applications for Summer 2025 are open now. Don’t miss out on an unforgettable summer.
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7 types of people camp is also for...


The Adrenaline Junkies – like to live life on the edge? Spend next summer wakeboarding, zip lining, paintballing, white water rafting, rock climbing…all whilst keeping kids safe. Take on the challenge if you dare.

The Gamers – spend the majority of your time online? Climb into a camp cave and get your geek on. Gaming and coding is becoming increasingly popular on camp. With robots, 3D printers & animation equipment – there’ll be all kinds of tech to play with.

The Creators – are you a youtuber / influencer / blogger type? Camps are looking for content creators. Share your passion for production with young kids on camp. Not only will a summer at camp give you some great content for your portfolio, but you’re also guaranteed to seriously up your social following after.

The Outliers – camps are looking for true individuals. Musicians, surfers, skate boarders and DJ’s. The kind of people that fly their own flag and do things their own way. Show kids what it takes to be truly comfortable in your own skin.

Eco Warriors – get back to nature and become a role model. Many camps are passionate about sustainable living. Help out on a camp farm and teach kids about the origins of food. Take nature walks, sleep under the stars, and inspire the next generation.

Brainiacs – whether you’re planning on being the next big scientist or engineer, camp needs you! Camp isn’t just jumping in a pool or zip lining - we also need the smarts of the world to help with activities where science, maths and many more come into play!

Good Samaritans – have a big heart!? Camp is for you! At the core of every camp is the campers. At all our camps you have the chance to show your compassion and really make a difference. Check out our special needs camps and our camps for underserved communities to make a real impact.

Camp is for everyone. Camp is for YOU! Start your application TODAY.