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5 Things to Do While You Wait to be Placed!


Waiting to be placed is an agonising experience! Every time your phone goes off you hope it is an email from a Camp Director. Even if your phone doesn’t go off, you check your emails ten times a day, just in case you missed it. You log in to your application daily, to see what you wrote for the hundredth time, in case you can make it any better. You spend hours watching camp YouTube videos, or watching twitter as more and more people start posting about their placements. We know it’s hard to keep sane while waiting for that camp placement, so we thought we’d give you some things to do, while waiting to be placed.

1.Make a Video.

If you haven’t made a video already. Make one! They are such a great way to improve your application and make you more memorable to camps. You can get your personality across so much easier in a video than an online application. Make it fun, upbeat and enthusiastic and you’ll be placed in no time!

2.Practice your friendship bracelet making skills!

Friendship bracelets at camp are like gold. Everyone wants one, everyone wants to know how to make them; but only a select few will master the skill. Get practicing, download your BraceletBook app, and you’ll be set by the time you get to camp.

3.Find things to do that you can put on your application.

If you feel that your application is slightly lacking and you want to get some more things on there. Why not volunteer for a local kid’s sports team, or scouts club? Go help at a school for a week. Or why not get a lifeguard qualification, camps always need lifeguards.

4.Start a Camp Blog or Vlog.

If you are anything like me, when I was waiting to get placed. All I wanted to talk about was camp. And when I was placed I wanted to talk about it even more! Why not start a youtube channel talking all about your experience and then keep going while you are at camp?

5.Start travel planning.

Make yourself an American ‘bucket list’ of all the places you want to visit on your travels after camp. From Yosemite to Vegas, to the Empire State Building, there is so much to see and do in the States!

One of the big things you can do, to increase your placement chances, is to go along to a Recruitment Fair!! There is on more fair for 2017. Head along to the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre in Westminster, London, on the 18th February and get yourself a place!

Details for the Recrutiment Fair can be found here: