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14 CV Skills You Gained From Camp America Without Even Realising It!


1. THE ABILITY TO WORK HARD - Working 9-5, what a breeeeeze! That Dolly Parton was right to make a song about how easy it is! You're used to working 24 hour shifts. And as for weekends...what are they again?

2. INDEPENDENCE - You left behind your family and friends, and travelled thousands of miles away from home to a remote location in middle of nowhere America. You didn't know anyone and you didn't know what to expect..but YOU DID IT! You made it your home for the summer and you lved it! Go you!

3. RESPONSIBILITY - You were trusted with hundreds of parents' prized possessions - their children! That's right, real lives were in your hands and you had the added pressure of making sure their summer was AMAZING! Eeesh!

4. ORGANISATIONAL SKILLS - 8 activities, 3 meals, 500 kids, 1 evening programme, EVERY SINGLE DAY for 8 weeks! Now that's some serious multitasking!

5. TO BE ADAPTABLE & USE YOUR INITIATIVE -You used it a LOT! Mainly when there were torrential downpours and your plans for that day were completely screwed up. You can now entertain a hall full of children at the drop of a hat! #NoDrama

6. TO BE A ROLE MODEL - You went from being the pupil to becoming the teacher! Kids looked up to you, do you had to lead by example. Who knew you could be such a grown up!

7. MANAGEMENT SKILLS - Looking after all those different campers was no easy task! You had the quiet one, the homesick one, the one that wanted to be the president, the hyper one and the one that didn't want to be there at all! They were all under your management, and it was your job to bring them altogether, make them feel part of a team and ensure they had fun!

8. TO BE A TEAM PLAYER -You worked as part of a multinational team. You learnt about different cultures, backgrounds and religions and experienced it first-hand! You've now got a huge network of friends around the globe, which makes you feel very worldly. Plus it's pretty handy for holidays...#justsayin!

9. TO BE DETERMINED & DRIVEN - You broke through the barrier of the 5 week slump and completed the whole 9 week challenge!

10. LEADERSHIP SKILLS - You lead a colour war, a talent show, a bunch of activities, a few evening programmes and you even organised an off camp trip! In fact you totally took control of some days off too and sorted out all your after camp travel as well! Get you! #LikeABoss.

11. TO BE CREATIVE - YOu've got a bin bag, a paper cup, a pizza box and some leftover tin foil. Where others see rubbish - you now see potential! Fancy dress costumes, spaceships - you name it, you can make it! A Blue Peter badge is well and truly deserved!

12. TO BE OUTGOING & CONFIDENT - The skit shows, the dance-offs, the sports days, the competitions - you proudly participated in each and every one regardless of it you had any actual talent. Who cares? Not you! Wahoooo!

13. TO HAVE EXCEPTIONAL TIME KEEPING - Not only did you get up at 7am EVERY day, but you also managed to get a bunk full on unruly kids to breakfast ON TIME!  #Respect

14. SURVIVAL SKILLS - You lived in the woods with bears, skunks and chipmunks, you camped out under the stars, you showered very little and you learnt how to cook on a camp fire...You're basically Bear Grylls. Raaaawwwr!

WOW! You're pretty impressive aren't you!