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11 Reasons Why Americans Do Halloween So Much Better Than Us Brits!


1. They go pumpkin picking for that perfect one and document the whole thing with model perfect pictures…

What happens when we try it…

But wait…he’s British…

Oh…he’s IN AMERICA!!!!

If we’re honest we bought ours for £1 at the local supermarket!

2. Once they’ve got the pumpkin home, they do some incredible carving…

(only in America)

Yep - this burger is actually a pumpkin!

We on the otherhand, give it our best shot…

It’s the taking part that counts…#fail

3. They use the middle to create delicious dishes like pumpkin pies…

We’ve never actually eaten pumpkin, so we offer it to the dog…

4. Starbucks introduce the Pumpkin Spiced Latte and America goes nuts!

No seriously! Instagram becomes filled with girls in winter woollies taking artistic shots of their PSL’s (Pumpkin Spiced Lattes!)

Apparently nothing says ‘fall’ quite like it…

To be honest we find Starbucks quite stressful…

Why can’t it just be small, medium & large?!

Plus our name is spelt completely wrong AGAIN and unlike those confident Americans, we’re too awkward to correct the nice barista lady…

…so we decide to change our name via Deed Poll instead! Botchadna’s not sooo bad!

5. They conjure up some amazing Halloween outfits…

We get out a bed sheet and give it a go...


6. They spend weeks turning their homes into ghoulish delights...

At best we go to Poundland and buy a bat and some spiders webs…

7. They attend incredible Halloween parades...

Whilst we sit awkwardly on public transport...


8. They head out in their droves to trick or treat. It's a real family affair...

If there’s a pumpkin outside - you’re welcome to knock!

We on the otherhand, dare each other to knock and have no idea what to say when someone actually answers the door…

Thinking about it, what on earth are you supposed to do when someone says trick??? #Awkward

9. Americans are guaranteed to dish out some amazing candy...

Whereas in the UK you'd be lucky to get a measley Werther's Original...

That or 10p!

10. They have massive house parties and everyone puts in the effort...

We stick on some horns or cat ears and rock our normal ‘going out’ outfit…'s actually kind of awkward in the UK if you've made too much effort!

11. In the US even the Whitehouse gets a halloween makeover...

So go all out this Halloween! Embrace the awkward and blame it on Camp America…