Camp: Camp Vacamas & Camp Starlight

2012 & 2015
Camp Years
Current Job
Camp Vacamas & Camp Starlight
''I decided to apply to Camp America to see what the experience was like. I have too many great experiences to pick out an individual one!
Camp was pretty much what I expected, maybe a bit tougher and physically demanding - after all, it’s a camp for the kids; not you and you get out what you put in.
It really taught me about not being afraid to be out there and do you want to do. It’s honestly a great experience from all angles e.g: the skills you learn, the friendships you develop with people all over the world etc. Overall, it’s just a fun thing to do with your summer.
Camp friends are different because you spend more time around camp friends than home friends. You're in a sort of camp bubble from the minute you wake up to the minute you go to sleep. I loved being able to meet and interact with other staff around the world, especially the Mexicans and Polish. We had a great time. We keep in touch just on social ,edia, - people can comment on each other’s stuff and see what they’re up to.
Here are some of the travels I did...
2012: I did an after camp road trip from New York to Niagara Falls (stopping at places like Yale University, Boston, Buffalo etc.) and then flew over to the West Coast to do the Intrepid tour of San Francisco to Los Angeles (stopping at places like the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, Lake Havasu, Joshua Tree National Park , Death Valley Yosemite etc.)
2015: New York, Washington, Baltimore, Florida (Orlando, Kissimmee, Miami)
Camp taught me about being resilient and sticking through with things. The basics in other languages; I still impress people to this day with the basic Polish I know that I learnt from my camp friends. Also, just a greater understanding about the American culture.
The experience helped me to just do my own thing - to whatever I wanna do, I don’t have to steer with the crowd. For example, when I did that West Coast trip in 2012, I did it by myself not knowing anyone until I got there. I think the biggest impact camp had on me was one I got back to the UK in 2012. I was into my 3rd Year of University and I had a new set of confidence having been on and felt like I’ve conquered the other side of the world for 3 months. Writing these answers really doesn't do it justice because even as I’m typing right now and looking through photos, I’m getting emotional and so many great memories are coming back to me. Especially from my 2012 camp because it was so long ago now - that place was honestly special and did a lot for me, difficult to put into words. Not knocking my 2015 camp though, because that place was special too, just in a different way.